Vergelegen is committed to conserving the land for future generations. We have pledged that over 2000 hectares of our farm will remain free from agricultural activity. Always. In 2019 the property was declared a Western Cape provincial heritage site. We are also proud WWF Conservation Champions.



Biodiversity is at the forefront of our sustainability practices at Vergelegen. It started with our large-scale alien clearing project from 2004 to 2018 (the largest privately funded project of its kind) which led to positive results in various other areas of biodiversity. Birdlife increased from 57 to 159 species as well as over 60 species recorded as breeding pairs on the site, including the exciting discovery of breeding pairs of Blue Cranes, our national bird. Plant species thought to be extinct such as the Lachenalia liliflora was discovered on Vergelegen with over 20 species on the red data list classified as critically endangered occurring here. In addition to these species, Vergelegen also has two complete vegetation types classified as critically endangered with 105 Ha of Swartland Shale Renosterveld and 15 Ha of Lourensford Alluvium Fynbos. This patch of Alluvium Fynbos on Vergelegen is the only patch in the world with a realistic chance of survival as it is the only patch that falls within conserved land. All of the above led to the declaration of a 1900 Ha private nature reserve that was declared in 2018 in partnership with CapeNature and has the same protection status as the Kruger National Park.


Lourens River

We recognize the importance of water as a scarce global resource, and we are committed to mindful water usage practices across all entities on the farm – this includes drip-feed irrigation across the vineyard sites. Vergelegen is 100% self-sufficient for all its water requirements. Water comes from the large Rooiland dam (which is a category 3 dam) on the property which is fed through the Langkloof catchment area. Water is then filtered and treated by the onsite water treatment plant which is tested for quality and safe human consumption on a regular basis. Layout is of such a nature that when the dam is full, it flows back into the Lourens River for use further downstream. The Lourens River (of which 10km’s border on Vergelegen) is also subjected to rigorous testing at both the entry and exit points on the estate to ensure no farming practices are affecting this natural source of water for the surrounding areas.


Land Rehabilitation & Nature Reserve

2200 hectares of the estate is a proclaimed Nature Reserve; after an ambitious alien clearing project from 2004 to 2018 (the largest privately funded project of its kind in South Africa). This has led to an increase in the indigenous fauna & flora, and specifically insect life resulting in a 70% decrease in insecticides used on the farm. More than 80 hectares of wetlands have also been restored to their natural state. We are a proud member of the Fire Protection Association (FPA) and our mission to significantly reduce alien vegetation on the property is testament to our commitment to controlling future wildfires. We have made a commitment that at the very least 65% of the 3200 hectare estate will always remain free of agricultural activity.



For three decades, we have farmed sustainably and carefully. We strive to farm as naturally as possible with the least amount of intervention without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides, and most importantly we treat the soil with respect. Our farm comprises 117 ha of disease-free vineyards, something we monitor very closely year on year. We are also Fairtrade certified, WIETA and IPW accredited.

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Stables Restaurant is open for dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. 

Crusty pizzas, juicy steaks, decadent red wine and a play area for the kids.