Here at Vergelegen, we are a proud supporter of Fairtrade. Fairtrade changes the way trade works through better prices, decent working conditions and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries. Furthermore, Fairtrade supports and challenges businesses and governments while connecting farmers and workers with the people who buy their products. By buying Fairtrade wines, consumers can make a real difference to someone’s life.


What is Fairtrade?

“Fairtrade is far more than a certification scheme. Behind the famous Fairtrade label is one of the largest and most diverse global movements for change, working with 1.9 million farmers and workers, as well as a global grassroots supporter base of more than 2000 Fair Trade Towns in 28 countries, and countless schools, universities and faith groups.

Fairtrade provides an essential safety net for producers by setting minimum prices for all major commodities, while the unique Fairtrade Premium provides additional funds for farmers and workers to invest as they see fit. Since 2014, Fairtrade producers and farmers have received over €994 million in premium money.

Fairtrade believes the best way to eliminate poverty is to pay farmers a fair price for their produce and workers a fair wage for their labour. They put fair prices first because farmers and workers in developing countries deserve a decent income and decent work.

Fairtrade is the only global sustainability standard which is equally owned and managed by producers, for producers, while Fairtrade workers are protected by strong, transparent standards. They support women to set up their own businesses and train them to become entrepreneurs and community leaders.

Fairtrade is helping to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals. The overarching goal, to end poverty in all its forms everywhere, is central to Fairtrade. Their standards are an essential development tool which go way beyond certification.

For consumers who have hundreds of labels to choose from, Fairtrade provides the trust and confidence to make sustainable shopping choices.” – Fairtrade International



Fairtrade Fundamentals

  • Prices that aim to cover the average costs of production
  • The Fairtrade Premium is an additional sum of money which goes into a communal fund for workers and farmers to use – as they see fit – to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.
  • Decent and fair working conditions and a ban on discrimination, forced labour and child labour
  • If required, access to advanced credit ahead of harvest
  • More access to buyers and stakeholders to sell the produce

Through our work with Fairtrade we are able to support our surrounding communities in meaningful ways.

To read more about Fairtrade, please visit:


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Stables Restaurant is open for dinner on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. 

Crusty pizzas, juicy steaks, decadent red wine and a play area for the kids.